The Words I Never Wrote

So it’s almost here. I’m in the last meticulous, but nerve shredding moment of publishing, reviewing the uncorrected galley proofs for my new standalone novel from Ballantine. It’s quite emotional for me, editing this novel, for a number of reasons (of which more later). But plunging back into the worlds of its two protagonists, Irene and Cordelia, is glorious, and I think it’s going to be a wrench to leave them. The story alternates between the present and the period between 1936 and 1945, and it ranges from New York, to London, Berlin and Paris. It follows the story of two sisters, amid love, espionage and war. And at its core is a heart-rending moral dilemma. I hope you’re going to enjoy it and I’ll post the publication date as soon as I have it….